Anne Torreggiani
Executive Director and founder of The Audience Agency (TAA), a national not-for-profit organisation helping cultural organisations develop the size, diversity and quality of engagement of audiences. Anne has led the agency since 2003. TAA is a specialist agency which provides insight, research, consultancy and training based on a unique overview of audiences and effective practice, acting as a hub for collaboration, shared learning and experimentation in audience development. Anne has 20 years experience in the arts, as director of marketing and audiences with numerous progressive UK arts companies (including Stratford East, West Yorks Playhouse and LIFT), and as a consultant, facilitator and adviser specialising in audience strategy and public engagement for cultural providers and policy-makers. She works across all artforms and museums and has special interests in non-traditional audiences, contemporary work and organisational change. She is an experienced company director and trustee.
FORUM • CULTURE ET ÉCONOMIE 2015:Quelle culture pour quel public: qui, quand, quoi, comment?
5 mars 2015:Building audiences: the UK model