Markt der Möglichkeiten

Neubad «erneuerbar»
The Neubad is the interim use of the former indoor swimming pool of the city of Lucerne since 2013, where over 300 events from the fields of music, literature, science, film, performance, club and culinary arts take place every year. The building, which dates back to 1969, has never been renovated. The «erneuerbad» project and the associated measures to reduce energy consumption and conserve resources will be presented.
Neubad «temporär»
An initiative of the «Netzwerk Neubad»: «temporär» is committed to sustainable urban planning and neighbourhood development through innovative temporary uses. They offer an interface between cities, municipalities, owners and potential users and pursue the goal of utilising more empty spaces temporarily and with added value for society. Insights into promising practices!
Neubad «vereinbar»
Socially sustainable through joint activities and encounters: An inclusive cooperation between Neubad and the Rodtegg Foundation - for people with physical disabilities. The protagonists of the local pioneering project «vereinbar» talk about their findings, enable self-experience with their roadshow boxes and allow participants to change their perspective. Hands on!